放射線写真技術評価の等価検査概念〔Equivalent-Inspection Concept for Evaluating Radiographic
Harvey E.Peck, Advanced Research Appliation corp.,Materials Evaluation,48-6(1980)721~724〕 |
40-1.43 |
LLT探傷法による割れの検出と欠陥の分類〔Crack Detection and Defect Classification Using the Technique;Wolfgang Gebhardt and Friedhelm Walte, Fraunhofer-Institut fur zerstorungsfreie
Prufverfahren Universitat,Gebaide 37, D-6600 Saarbrucken, W-Germany,Proceedinge
of the 12th WCNDT Conference(1989)〕 |
40-1.44 |
超高感度の浸透探傷試験の工程管理の検討〔Development of Process Control Procedure for Ultrahigh-Sensitivity Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Systems:S.A
Wein and T.C.Kessler,General Electric Aircraft Enginess,Materials Evaluation,48-8,(1990)991~994〕 |
40-1.46 |
中性子回折による残留応力の非破壊的評価〔Nondestructive Evaluation of Residual Stresses by Neutron Diffraction:T.Lorentzen, Department of Metallurgy, RisφNational Laboratory, Denmark,NDT
International,21-6(1981)385~388〕 |
40-1.48 |
低エネルギーγ線ラジオグラフィにおける進歩〔Advances in Low-Energy Gamma Radiography: H.WEvans, Amersham,
Transactions of American Nuclear Society,56-Supplement3(1988)27~29〕 |
40-3.177 |
ガスメタルアーク溶接の制御:溶融池中の不連続部の検出〔Control of GMAW:Detection of Discontinuities
in the Weld Pool: N.M.Carlson, J.A.Johnson and CKunerth, Idaho National
Engineering Laboratory,Welding Journal,69-7(1990)256s~263s〕 |
40-3.178 |
SQUIDを利用した2相ステンレス鋼の時効検出〔Use of SQUID Magnetic Sensor to petect Aging Effects in Duplex Stainless Steel:G.Donaldosn, S.Evanson, M.Otaka*, K.Hasegawa*,T.Shimizu*
and T.Takaku*, Strathclyde Univ., Hitachi*, British Journal of NDT,32-5
(1990)238~240〕 |
40-3.181 |
アコースティックエミッションの破壊力学的解釈〔A Fracture Mechanics Interpetation of Acoustic Emission Results:G.E.Neubrech1, F.Walte2, E.Washkies2 and M.Kieinl, Kernforschungszentrun
Karlsruhe, Projekt HDR, Karlsruhe, FRG1., Institut fur Zerstorungsfreie, Saarbrucken, FRG2.Nuclear
Engineering and Design and Desigh,112(1988)139~154〕 |
40-3.183 |
フィルム観察器の品質管理と放射線透過写真の像質への影響〔Viewbox Quality control and the Effect on Radiographic Image Quality:WE.McKinney, Du Pont NDT Technical Laboratory,
Material Evaluation,48-10(1990)1288~1293〕 |
40-4.248 |
超音波探傷における溶接欠陥の実用的特定化について〔Practical Automated Ultrasonic Characterization
of Welding Defects:S.F.Burch, A.R.Lomas and A.T.Ramsey, the National Nondestructive
Testing Center, British Journal of NDT,32-7(1990)347~350〕 |
40-4.249 |
集中荷重による表面下き裂の応力拡大係数KI,KIIの決定〔Determination of Mixed-mode Stress intensity Factors
K I and K II for a Subsurface Crack Near a Concentrated Force:J.W,Dally
and Y.M.Chen, University of Maland Mechanical Engineering Department, Experimental
Mechanics, 30-2(1990)124~129〕 |
40-4.251 |
透視システムによる溶融池窪み計測を用いた溶接とけ込み量制御〔Computer Radiographic Weld Penetration Control with Feedback on Weld Pool Depression:A.C.Gun, S.I.Rokhlin, Dept.
of Welding Engineering, Ohio State University, Material Evaluation, 47-10(1989)1204~1210〕 |
40-5.312 |
共焦点ファブリ・ペローを用いた光側帯波分離による超音波の広帯域の光学的検出〔Broadband とal Detection of Ultrasound by Optical Sideband Stripping with a Confocal. Fabry-Perot:J.P.Monchalin and R.Heon P.Bouchard*
and C.Padioleau*, National Research Council Canada,Industrial Materials Research Institute,*Ultra Optec Inc.,Appl.Phys.Lett.,55-16 (1989)1612~1614〕 |
40-5.313 |
一様磁場渦流試験データのニューラルネットワークによる逆変換〔Neural Network Inversion of Uniform-Field Eddy Current Data:J.M.Mann, L.W.Schmerr and J.C.Moulder, Center for NDE.,
Iowa State Universiry, Materials Evaluation, 49-1(1991)34~39〕 |
40-5.315 |
高温でのカーボン/カーボン材の計測〔High Temperature Meaurements on Uncoated Carbon/Carbon Material:C.A.Barthel, J.L.Howard, E.J.Nelson and J.L.Mullineaux, Boeing Aerospace
Evironmental Test Lab.,Experimental Techniques, Sep./Oct.(1990)33~38〕 |
40-5.318 |
引張荷重下におけるCFRP積層板中のクラック蓄積のアコースティック・エミッション解析〔Acoustic Emission Analysis of the Accumulation of Cracks in CFRP Cross-ply Laminates Under Tensile
Loading:J.-P.Favre and J.-C.Laizet, Office National d’Etudes et Recherches
Aerospatiales, Journal of Acoustic Emission, 9-2(1990)97~102〕 |
40-5-320. |
X線コンピュータトモグラフィの性能〔Performance of X-Ray Computed Tomographic Imaging Systems:E.A.Sivers and M.D.Silver,
Material Evaluation, 48-6(1990)〕 |
40-6.394 |
非線型音響パラメータによる材料評価〔Materials Characterization using Acoustic Nonlinearity
Parameter and Harmonic Generation:Engineering Materials, W.T.Yost and J.H.Cantrell, NASA
Langley Research Center ,Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive
Evaluaion (eds.D.O.Thompson D.E.Chimenti, Plenum), 9B(1990)1669-1676〕 |
40-6.395 |
塑性ひずみ測定用積分自己相関法〔Integrated Autocorrelation Method for Plastic Strain Deter(1981)〕 |
40-6.397 |
複合材料用の高分解能X線CT〔High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography of Composite materials:B.London
et al,Howmet Corp.,Materials Evaluation, 48-5(1990)604~608〕 |
40-7.483 |
高温用高周波振動子〔High Frequency, High Temperature Ultrasonic Transducers:N.D.Patel and P.S.Nicholson, McMaster University, Canada,
NDT International, 23-5(1990)262~266〕 |
40-7.484 |
コンクリ一トの抵抗率測定〔Practical Measurement of Concrete Resistivity:S.G.Millard,
J.A.Harrison and K.R.Gowers, University of Liverpoo1, British Journal of
NDT, 33-2(1991)59~63〕 |
40-7.486 |
Xレイフイルム処理水洗排水中の銀量と排出物の最小化〔Silver Concentrations in Radiographic rocessing wash Water and Waste Minimization:W.E.J. Mckinney, DuPont NDT Systems,
Materials Evaluation,49-4 (1991)482~486〕 |
40-8.558 |
IIW型試験片の設計の手引き〔Guide to designs of IIW-type blocks:F.H.C.Hotchkiss, Panametrics
Inc.,221 Crescent St., Waltham, MA O2254, USA.,NDT International, 23-6(1990)319~331〕 |
40-8.560 |
150℃,3年間にわたるひずみゲージの安定度測定〔Strain-gage Stability Measurelnents for Three
ears at l50℃ in Air:William M.Shay, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Experimental Mechanics,30-2(1990)158~163〕 |
40-8.566 |
光弾性技術に対するスペクトルの改良〔Possible Modification to Existing Spectral Photoelastic
Techniques:RSmith, E A Cheever, Assistant Professor, Swarthmore College, Department of
Engieering,Swarthmore,Experimental Mechanics,January/February(1991)53~54〕 |
40-8.568 |
X線及びIr-192による線状欠陥の検出に関する提案〔Critical Cbmments on the Use of X-ray and Ir-192
Detecting Linear Discontinuities:P.Ciorau,Chorcas International Inc.,
NDT International, 23-6(1990)345~350〕 |
40-10.691 |
溶接周囲の結晶粒変化の超音波測定〔Ultrasonic Determination of Grain Size Variations Around
Weldments:MJ.Crook and .G.RJordan, The National Nondestructive Testing Center, Harwell
Laboratory,NDT International,23-4(1990)221~227〕 |
40-10.692 |
パルス渦流を用いた航空機部品の検査〔Pulsed Eddy Current Inspection of Cracks under Installed
astners:M.Gibbs and J.Campbell, Staveley, Instruments Inc.,Materials Evaluation,49-1
(1991)51~59〕 |
40-10.695 |
多結晶薄膜の応力測定法に関する比較研究〔AComparative Study of Stress Determination Technique
in Polycrystalline Thin Films:1.C.Noyan;Thomas J.Watson Research Center,
IBM Research Divisionn Yorktown Heights, NY., C.C.Goldsmith:IBM General Technology Division,Hopewell Junction, NY.,Advances
om X-Ray Analysis,33(1990)137~144〕 |
40-10.697 |
擬似AE源のためのマイクロハンマーの設計〔Design of Micro-Hammers for Ultrasonic Source Applic3tions:D.G.Chetwynd and W.Sachse, Conrnell University, Ithaca, USA.,Ultrasonic,29-1(1991)68~75〕 |
40-10.698 |